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your sales

Increase your sales by engaging local shoppers. 
We will show you how!

<p>Want to make more money?</p>

We are the premier local marketplace for jewelry

Want to make more money?

Online marketplaces accounted for 52% of global e-commerce sales in 2018 (Internet Retailer) and over 50% of sales on Amazon are from 3rd party sellers (aka the marketplace)


BUT, none of these marketplaces are designed for local commerce, they are designed to actually take customers away from local stores!

We are the premier local market place for jewelry

Engage your local shoppers

Over 75% of shoppers prefer to purchase from local stores if they can find the products at the reasonable prices and quality. Shoppers appreciate the extra service local retailer provides and wants to positively impact their communities.

Helping sell your products to "local" shoppers who want to purchase online. We have the largest US directory of jewelry stores, with stores in every zip code across the country.

<p>Engage your local shoppers</p>

Why shoppers prefer

local and small retailers

<p>Why shoppers prefer</p>

Local Online Market Place

Improved local search

Get access to the additional shopper - targeted shoppers that are looking for jewelry and watches



It's Free

There is ZERO cost to list your products on 




Sell to your local customer

Sell online to your local customers with additional security

and authenticity verified track record.



Pay-for performance

True pay-for-performance, and full accountability with

analytics and reporting. Competitive transaction

costs: our fees are actually less than all other major market places.

What if I already have e-commerce on my website?

<p>What if I already have e-commerce on my website?</p>

That's not an issue, in fact it makes it easier to integrate our systems if you do. The new "Sales stack" for retailers is not just one channel but it's as many channels as possible "with the least amount of work".


This is why we integrate with the majority of e-commerce platforms meaning you do not have to do a thing to list your products on EyeOnJewels after your store is setup. Shopify, Magento, Opencart, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, event Etsy and we're adding more platforms regularly. Basically you add products in your commerce platform once and we automatically list the products on EyeOnJewels. Think of it as a putting your store on steroids (without the side effects.)1

What if I don't have e-commerce capability on my website?

<p>What if I don't have e-commerce capability on my website?</p>

We have that covered too.

Along with our partners, EyeOnJewels can provide you a fully functional e-commerce platform to add to your website if you would like. We would like to discuss with you the strategy behind having e-commerce directly (it's time consuming and resource intensive). There might be better ways to utilize your time and resources and still have the local e-commerce capability.

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