Ideas are like fish. There are fish for creativity, for business, for sports. There are fish for everything. They swim in our subconscious and wait to be captured. If you want to catch the little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you wat to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Deep down, the fish are more powerful and more pure. Dive within and catch the big fish.ALEX AND ANI will donate 20% of the purchase price*, with a minimum donation of $25,000 between October 2017 and December 2018, to the David Lynch Foundation, which addresses the epidemic of trauma and toxic stress among under-resourced populations, including veterans, urban youth, and women who are victims of domestic violence, through the evidence based, health-promoting Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. *Purchase price includes sales to ALEX AND ANI retail and web customers and authorized retailers....Read More