The Wild Adventures of the Explorers Club Rolex Watches

The Wild Adventures of the Explorers Club Rolex Watches

Just inside the dimly lit Explorers Club-a fantastical man cave, replete taxidermied polar bears, that's called outdoorsman and adventurers like Teddy Roosevelt and Buzz Aldrin members-is a glass case holding three Rolex watches The watch accompanied Cooper on a trek down the Mekong river, and when it's not on another adventure, it rests next to a Rolex Submariner and an original Explorer Together the three watches comprise the Explorers Club expedition watch program, formed in the summer of 2018 to formally codify a decades-long partnership that saw Rolex cutting checks for watch-less adventures.

There are only three Rolex watches to go around, and members can't even apply for them-Concannon skims the very best flag applications and passes them on to a separate selection committee within the club, and another group at Rolex The adventures should also fit within the given watch's wheelhouse: diving missions will get the Submariner while kayaking down the Mekong, while excavating ancient tombs pairs nicely with one of the Explorers Banging around watches worth thousands of dollars sounds counterintuitive, but is actually a tried-and-true Rolex marketing strategy.

Adventurers have long served as mascots for Rolex: Edmund Hillary, the first person to summit Everest, wore a Rolex Oyster on his trek, and Mercedes Gleitze, the first woman to swim the English Channel, wore the same watch during her one very long lap. . Source