Success Story: interview with Camille Riou, designer of Lou.Yetu jewelry

Success Story: interview with Camille Riou, designer of Lou.Yetu jewelry

What inspired you to get involved with jewelry? Jewelry and women A classic love story My grandmother loved jewelry, she helped me hone my eye at a young age.

She helped me make jewelry, she designed with my aunt, both of them liked gems and gold, and always made unique pieces They gave me their passion for personalization and I started making jewelry really early But it didn’t resemble LouYetu yet.

When I was eight years old, I was making jewelry with fake pearls and then I’d go to sell it at the market with my little brother and my cousin That was the official entrepreneurial debut of my passion for jewelry. What is your first memory of jewelry? A ladybird ring I had as a child. What can we find on your moodboard at the moment? Textures! Hammered, brushed metal, stripes, exotic jewelry, vegetation I’m designing our next collection and I want to have. Source