Jewelry Designer Gina Nigrelli-Smith Gives Us the Inside Scoop on What Inspires Her Cool Pieces

Jewelry Designer Gina Nigrelli-Smith Gives Us the Inside Scoop on What Inspires Her Cool Pieces

One of the first girl bosses who came to mind was Gina Nigrelli-Smith, the founder of jewelry brand Jules Smith If the gorgeous cuff itself won't get you excited for the Must Have box, the story of Jules Smith will Read on to learn more about Gina and the gorgeous jewelry she dreams up.

POPSUGAR: Why did you create Jules Smith?Gina Nigrelli-Smith: I was living in the Caribbean and became intrigued by the jewelry culture I met a few local jewelers, who taught me enough to get started, and within a few months, Jules Smith was born PS: Where did the name come from? GNS: Smith is my married last name, and Jules is the middle name of one of the jewelers that helped me to get started.

PS: What was the inspiration behind the Jane Cuff? How would you style it? GNS: I love arm candy, and the Jane Cuff is probably my favorite Jules Smith piece. . Source