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Born as a fine jewelry line in 2007 and introduced in its modern iteration as an apparel and accessories company in 2014, the Ivanka Trump brand enjoyed a late-in-life boost during the 2016 election when Ivanka's father, a failed frozen steak peddler Ivanka wore items from her eponymous line to the Republican National Convention and to a 60 Minutes interview the week after the election, an appearance that came with a "Style alert" from Ivanka Trump Jewelry Fine Jewelry about the $10,800 bracelet viewers could purchase for themselves By early 2017, several retailers, including Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom, had dropped the Ivanka Trump brand entirely; TJ.
Maxx and Marshall's employees were instructed not only to pull all Ivanka's wares from featured shelves and stick them on regular racks but to chuck all Ivanka Trump signage in the trash At the Republican National Convention in July 2016, Ivanka wore two items from her own brand: The Ivanka Trump Floral Party Dress, which retailed for $158 and quickly sold out, and a rubber-eraser colored sleeveless sheath that, like her dad's presidency, was not yet available to the masses, but would be soon! Ivanka documented her RNC experience on her official website, featuring photos with captions that listed each article from the Ivanka Trump Collection along with links to sites where those outfits could be purchased Fashion journalists received a "Style alert" by Monica Marder, vice president of sales for Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, letting them know that Ivanka was wearing "Her favorite bangle from the Metropolis Collection" As the New York Times reported, an email from management demanded "All Ivanka Trump merchandise" be removed from the racks "Immediately" The next day, Neiman Marcus ditched the Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry line, also citing poor sales. Source