How To Land The Jewels You Want For Holiday

How To Land The Jewels You Want For Holiday

You only have a few weeks left, so it is time to take your men on an outing to your favorite jewelry store where the sales associates might have 'their' brand of beer on hand and the latest sports scores Guys are attracted to bling, become intimated the minute they walk into a jewelry store and often select pieces that shine brighter than a Christmas tree when you might want just a little sparkle or color around your face Men are attracted to color, although the hues that appeal to them might be those of their favorite sports team.

If you are hankering for a new piece of jewelry set with your favorite gemstone, you will need to train their eye If you prefer jewelry with significance and sentiment, you might provide your guys with some subtle hints like cutting out the pieces you are interested in and leaving printouts or tear sheets from magazines up on your refrigerator or on your coffee table Jewelry with messages and sayings or mottos and symbols that speak to their emotions are pieces men will definitely understand.

Generally, rings are just not in men's jewelry vocabulary unless they are planning to pop the question or already married. . Source