How Monique Péan Sources Her Sustainable Jewelry

How Monique Péan Sources Her Sustainable Jewelry

For many of us, family vacation means a trip to the beach But for jeweler Monique Péan, holidays were spent seeing the pyramids in Egypt, roaming the Great Wall of China, and learning about the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel Raised with an eagerness to explore and an appreciation for foreign art and culture, it’s no surprise that Péan’s approach for her eponymous sustainable fine jewelry line reads a bit like a National Geographic story Péan’s travels also triggered a desire to learn.

Her foray into the world of fine jewelry was an exposure to the negative environmental impact of the production process As a result, she only uses recycled gold in her pieces “There is actually enough recycled gold in the world right now to use in jewelry for the next 20 years without needing to mine any new gold,” she explains.

By launching her brand in 2006, Péan sought . Source