Desire for diamonds “as strong as ever” says De Beers Group as it anticipates bumper Christmas ...

Desire for diamonds “as strong as ever” says De Beers Group as it anticipates bumper Christmas ...

De Beers Group has revealed it has high expectations for diamond sales during this year's Christmas period in spite of the downturn in retail so far Group CEO Bruce Cleaver, during his keynote speech at the recent Luxury by JCK virtual forum, reported the findings of a company survey of international consumers 60% of US men said they intend to purchase diamond jewellery for a significant other, while nearly a third of women intend to purchase for themselves.

Consumers in all three markets felt that "How special the recipient feels" was the most important factor in gifting this year, above "How useful/practical it is" Over 80% of those intending to purchase diamond jewellery during the 2020 holiday season had either self-purchased or gifted diamond jewellery in the past two years, the survey indicated, highlighting the importance of connecting with past customers There was also a strong interest in classic designs over any other kind of jewellery.

"Cleaver said:"This research, undertaken in three of the largest consumer markets for diamonds, highlights a number of important insights for diamond jewellery retailers as we enter the key end-of-year selling season. . Source