Shopping Bag: (0)
Blackjack and blackouts! One-armed bandits and bodacious baubles! The considerable, if sometimes dubious delights, of Las Vegas, where each spring the jewelry industry glitterati gather for the Couture fine jewelry and antique jewelry shows, were this year punctuated by a genuine Ocean’s 11 moment; on the second day of the event, the lights suddenly blew—not just in the ballrooms of the Wynn where the Couture show was in full swing, but in various other locations on the strip as well It was a brief, exciting, nerve-racking plunge into blackness—and if it was a bit surreal to be standing in the dark amid a billion dollars’ worth of shiny masterpieces, well, it was really no stranger than this town itself, where it’s always over 100 degrees, at least when you step outside the hotel’s golden doors (It’s like being on another planet, though the zero humidity means your hair looks good). Source